
Thursday, December 1, 2011

7 week 4 day ultrasound!

So on the 29th we went for our second ultrasound! I was soooo excited to get to see the heartbeat and get to hear it! I was so thankful that Jacob got to come too! 

So we went in the ultrasound room and the lady started the ultrasound and pretty much immediately i saw the baby!! I was so thrilled!! Then I saw the little flickering heart and I started to get teary eyed. She then put the cursor or what ever over the heart beat and we got to hear it!!! I lost it big time! I started bawling like a baby, I was so happy! I started to cover my face and cry into my hands but I quit that real quick because I didn't want to miss any of the ultrasound. The babies heart beat was 170 bpm and she said that was great! Baby was also measuring right on track at 1.32 cm. So tiny!!!! I wanted to have the ultrasound recorded and I was supposed to tell the lady before we began but I was so exited I forgot. Luckily she let us do the ultrasound again so we could record it! I didn't want to the ultrasound to end!! I'm not really the biggest fan of the ultrasound lady, though. She doesn't say much and her scans are quick :(. 

The baby is upside down and facing the right ( she had to tell me that). I also thought the dot on the head was an eye but she said it was part of it's brain. I really wish we could have seen more detail because I know there are little arm and leg buds there and eyes and even the nose is starting to form. Maybe if she had done it in 3d we could have seen but she wouldn't do it, I asked. It was amazing though either way! It's a miracle from God and God is amazing!! I don't understand how someone couldn't believe in God after seeing something like this. It is truly a miracle!

Here's our little one at 7 weeks 4 days! Heartbeat at 170 bpm! Measuring 1.32cm. They also moved my due date up to July 13th! That would be Friday the 13th! I was also due on a Friday the 13th but I came early! Maybe this one will too!

nausea (pretty bad at times)

stomach aches

gas (burping all the time!)

fatigue ( i have to get a nap every day)

sinuses bothering me

not quite as much cm right now but it should be back soon

boobs are a little fuller but still haven't been sore

night sweats