
Sunday, November 6, 2011

First Doctors Appointment

Previous to finding out the big news, I had made an appointment with my doctor to have a Laparoscopy done because he thought that I could Endometriosis which could be attributing to the infertility. We scheduled the surgery for November 7th. I went for my pre-op appointment on Nov. 3rd (5 days after I found out I was pregnant). The day before I took another test just to see those lines getting darker. The nurse called me back and I got to tell her that I no longer needed surgery because I was pregnant! She congratulated me and had me pee in a cup to confirm. Another nice positive!! I just LOVE seeing those tests turn positive! I get sooo giddy! She put me in a room and I waited anxiously for the doctor. After a little while he came in and congratulated me. He asked me how I was feeling and I told him my symptoms and immediately he thought I could have low progesterone causing me to cramp. My heart dropped! I NEVER EVER want to hear ANYTHING negative about this pregnancy! He said low progesterone can lead to miscarriage and he wanted to do some blood tests. I was so nervous! He ordered my results to be back in the next day. I had planned on telling everyone the good news that day but since there could possibly be something wrong I decided to wait and get the results back before I spread the news. Waiting on those results were AWFUL! At 3pm the next day I still hadn't heard from the doctors office so I anxiously called the office and they were CLOSED! I started to panic, thinking there could be something wrong with this pregnancy and I wouldn't be able to do anything about it until Monday!! I talked to the emergency operator and asked he opinion. The only thing she could do was page the doctor on call to call me. He called a few mins. later and I explained the situation. He checked my chart and the results were not back in yet!! He said he would check again a little later and see if they got posted and if they did he would call me. I totally appreciated that! In the mean time I tried to keep my mind off of things. My sister in law helped with that :D At about 6pm I got a call from a woman at the doctors office and she said she had one of the results back from my tests and it just so happened to be the progesterone test I was worrying about! She told me the number and the number was great!!!!! I was so excited to hear good news that I dont even remember what the number was now but it was in the 20's! They like to see at least a number of 16. HUGE RELIEF!! I immediately called my mom and hubby with the good news and gave my hubs the okay to tell his brothers. I started thinking about how to tell my in-laws. We thought up some good ideas but just ended up not doing anything special. We told his parents first (my parents already knew) then spread the word on to the rest of the family and then on to friends. It was so surreal being able to tell someone news like that especially after everything we had been through. Everyone is so excited! Some of them are already guessing the sex of the baby. Jacob wants a boy really bad but he says he thinks its a girl because that would be his luck (silly husby), I think I would like a girl just because I missed out on a lot of the fun stuff when Abigail was growing up but I would be SO HAPPY with a little boy too, my mother wants a little boy, my dad thinks   it's twins or triplets! (hes crazy!), my sister in law wants a girl and has already been thinking up names, and others havent expressed an opinion yet. As long as baby is healthy I will be happy.

I still can't believe how this happened! After all the tests, being monitored, and being put on medication, we somehow did this on our own! I just knew it was going to take an IUI to get us pregnant! After we had to stop going to the fertility doctor because my insurance didn't cover it, I thought we had very little chance of doing this any time soon because we had no help. Well I was wrong! God has blessed us! We still don't know why it took so long but we are so thankful! 

I am to get the rest of my test results back tomorrow and I will post then as soon as I get them! Can't wait to see that HCG level!

Here are some more pics. of tests. I LOVE seeing those lines getting darker!!

top test is the one from 11 dpo (halloween test) and the bottom was the one taken day before Dr. visit  13 dpo
Progression of my tests. Bottom test says 14 dpo

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